Three Little Ghosts

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Three Little Ghosts

Three little ghostesses,
Sitting on postesses,
Eating buttered toastesses,
Greasing up their fistesses,
Up to their wristesses.

Alternative Lyrics & Related Songs

This version counts back from Three to One

Three little ghosts on Halloween night
Saw a witch and freaked in freight
The witch just laughed and shouted Boo!
One ghost ran home and then there were two
Two little ghost who shiver and shook
With every single step they took
When the door opened wide
A goblin stood inside
One ghost said to the other. .
I'm going home and stay with my mother
One little ghost can't have much fun
so he ran home, and then there were none.

This song has been printed from the website.

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  2. Three Little Ghosts

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