16 Gallons

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16 Gallons

16 gallons of greasy grimy gopher guts, mutilated monkey feet,
Barneys little stinky feet,
16 gallons of all purpous porpus pus,
And I forgot my spoon!

Information About 16 Gallons

The 16 gallons song is better known as the Gallon Song. This is one of the best ways that a child is going to be able to learn all of their measurements. It is song to the tune of Sally the Camel. So the children are going to have a fun time learning about their customary units like gallons, pints, cups, and quarts. This means that the child is going to know exactly how much of a measurement that they are going to need in order to make a type of measurement. This is something that a child is going to need to know especially later on in life.

The first one of these measurements that the child is going to learn in the 16 gallons song is that it is going to take four quarts to make a gallon. The second measurement that the child is going to learn is it is going to take eight pints to make a gallon. The third measurement that the child is going to learn is it is going to take sixteen cups to make a gallon. Therefore, they are going to know all of the measurements that are going to help them to make a gallon.

This song has been printed from the BusSongs.com website.

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  2. 16 Gallons



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