A Puppy

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A Puppy

A playful puppy praises people for popping popcorn by picking poppies,
A popular purple puppy's passport picture has a pair of pants on it's head,
These two puppies pick particals of a plant for a party!

Information About A Puppy

Have you ever wanted to know how to sing A Puppy? It's a great song, and it practices special rhymes with lots of P sounds.

You can dance to each verse, making sure that you get in tune with the song, and you can practice your P skills by singing the song very slowly, and then trying to speed up to make it easier to sing this fabulous nursery rhyme.

Puppies are fabulous, aren't they? Songs about puppies have been around for years, and this one is no exception. It's part of our collective culture as animal lovers and keepers, and we've always loved to sing songs about the special creatures we share our lives with.

So go ahead: practice your P's with the lyrics to this great song, which was once a children's story, and has now been made into a nursery rhyme, for your pleasure.

This song has been printed from the BusSongs.com website.

  1. BusSongs
  2. A Puppy



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