A Spider On The Floor

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A Spider On The Floor

There's a spider on the floor, on the floor
There's a spider on the floor, on the floor
Oh who could ask for more
Then a spider on the floor
There's a spider on the floor, on the floor.

There's a spider on my leg, on my leg
There's a spider on my leg, on my leg
Oh he's really really big
This old spider on my leg
There's a spider on my leg, on my leg.

There's a spider on my stomach, on my stomach
There's a spider on my stomach, on my stomach
Oh he's just a dumb old lumack
That old spider on my stomach
There's a spider on my stomach, on my stomach.

There's a spider on my neck, on my neck
There's a spider on my neck, on my neck
Oh I'm gonna be a wreck
I gotta spider on my neck
There's a spider on my neck, on my neck.

There's a spider on my head, on my head
There's a spider on my head, on my head
Oh I wish that it were dead
That old spider on my head
There's a spider on my head, on my head.

Information About A Spider On The Floor

"A Spider on the Floor" is a song performed by Rafi, the Egyptian born singer, songwriter, and author. Raffi has been name the "most popular children's entertainer in the western world".

Raffi also wrote children's songs such as "Six little ducks" and "Down by the Bay".

"A spider on the floor" is aimed to delight children and is an excellent wiggle time song and can be used to teach preschool age children about spiders.

The book "A Spider on the Floor" is designed to delight its fans with its colorful artwork and story about how a spider ensnares lots of critters in its web.

This song has been printed from the BusSongs.com website.

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  2. A Spider On The Floor



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