Ally Bally

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Ally Bally

Ally, bally, ally bally bee,
Sittin' on yer mammy's knee.
Greetin' for anether bawbee,
Tae buy mair Coulter's candy.

Ally, bally, ally bally bee,
When you grow up you'll go to sea.
Makin' pennies for your daddy and me,
Tae buy mair Coulter's candy.

Mammy gie me ma thrifty doon,
Here's auld Coulter comin' roon.
Wi' a basket on his croon.
Selling Coulter's candy.

Little Annie's greetin' tae,
Sae whit puir wee Mammy dae.
But gae them a penny atween them twae
Tae buy mair Coulter's candy.

Poor wee Jeannie's lookin' affa thin.
A rickle o'banes covered ower wi' skin.
Noo she's gettin' a double chin,
Wi' sookin' Coulter's candy.

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  2. Ally Bally

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