Army And Navy

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Army And Navy

These doggies three, as you can see,
Are members of the Queen's Armee;
"Of all the lives,' said they, "to lead,
A soldier's life's the best indeed!'.

They stood at tention, stiff as starch,
Till Corporal Pincher cried, "Quick march!"
They drilled so well. they were all three,
A credit to the Queen's Armee!

They had for friends, as you can see,
Three sailors in the Queen's Navee.
"We sail,' said they, "the ocean blue,
And we can dance a hornpipe too!'.

With soldiers bold and sailors true,
I feel the country's safe, don't you?
No danger now need be expected
Because we are so well protected.

This song has been printed from the website.

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  2. Army And Navy

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