At The Beach

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At The Beach

Bare feet wading in the pool,
With a hey! and a ho! My Laddie.
Splashing in the water so cool,
With a hey! and a ho! My Laddie.
Find your big straw hat with its ragged brim,
Watch the stone you skip 'cross the water skim,
What a glorious day to play and swim,
With a hey! and a ho! My Laddie.

Tiny tadpoles go darting by,
With a hey! and a ho! My Laddie.
Sandy beaches, hot and dry,
With a hey! and a ho! My Laddie.
See the little waves dancing up and down,
As your little legs get more tanned and brown,
On a day like this, you can never frown,
With a hey! and a ho! My Laddie.

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  2. At The Beach

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