Bill Grogan's Goat

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Bill Grogan's Goat

Bill Grogan's goat,
Was feeling fine-
Ate three red shirts
From off the line;
Bill took a stick;
Gave him a whack,
And tied him to
The railroad track.

The whistle blew;
The train did nigh,
Bill Grogan's goat
Was doomed to die;
Gave three great groans
Of awful pain;
Coughed up the shirts
And flagged the train!

Alternative Lyrics & Related Songs

This version talks about a Highland goat and a Highland chicken

My Highland Goat
Was doing fine
Ate six red shirts
From off the line
I took a stick
And gave a whack
And tied him to
The railway track
The whistle blew
The train drew nigh
My highland goat
Was sure to die
But with a groan
Of mortal pain
Coughed up the shirts
And flagged the train.

All together for verses 2 – 4
My Highland Goaty oaty oaty oaty oat
Was doing finey iney iney iney ine
Ate six red shirty irty irty irty irts
From off the liney iney iney iney ine
I took a sticky icky icky icky ick
And gave a whacky acky acky acky ack
And tied him tooy ooy ooy ooy oo
The railway tracky acky acky acky ack
The whistle blewy ewy ewy ewy ew
The train drew nighy ighy ighy ighy igh
My Highland Goaty oaty oaty oaty oat
Was sure to diey iey iey iey ie
But with a groany oany oany oany oan
Of mortal painy ainy ainy ainy ain
Coughed up the shirty irty irty irty irts
And flagged the trainy ainy ainy ainy ain.

My Highland Goat not chicken but a goat
Was doing fine not well but fine
Ate six red shirts not skirts but shirts
>From off the line not a circle but a line
I took a stick not a brick but a stick
And gave a whack not a smack but a whack
And tied him to not from but to
The railway track not a road but a track
The whistle blew not red but blew
The train drew nigh not far but nigh
My highland goat not a chicken but a goat
Was sure to die not live but die
But with a groan not a moan but a groan
Of mortal pain not strain but pain
Coughed up the shirts not skirts but shirts
And flagged the train not a bus but a train.

My Highland chicken not a goat but a chicken
Was doing well not fine but well
Ate six red skirts not shirts but skirts
>From off the circle not a line but a circle
I took a brick not a stick but a brick
And gave a smack not a whack but a smack
And tied him from not to but from
The railway road not a track but a road
The whistle red not blue but red
The train drew far not nigh but far
My highland chicken not a goat but a chicken
Was sure to live not die but live
But with a moan not a groan but a moan
Of mortal strain not pain but strain
Coughed up the skirts not shirts but skirts
And flagged the bus not a train but a bus.

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  2. Bill Grogan's Goat

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