Blue Bird Blue Bird

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Blue Bird Blue Bird

Bluebird, bluebird, in and out my window.
Bluebird, bluebird, in and out my window.
Bluebird, bluebird, in and out my window.
Oh, Johnny I'm so tired.

Take a little girl and tap her on the shoulder
Take a little girl and tap her on the shoulder
Take a little girl and tap her on the shoulder
Oh, Johnny I'm so tired.

Information About Blue Bird Blue Bird

Blue bird blue bird is a game song. It is a circle game that encourages pre-school children to follow directions.

The children stand in a circle holding hands high up in arches (to form the "windows" in the song). One kid is the "Blue Bird" who flies in and out of the arches or "windows".

During the second verse, the "bird" chooses a partner by patting him/her on the shoulder. The second child then follows holding the 1st child's shoulders while they pass through the "windows". Then game continues on until all the children make a chain and there are only 2 children left forming an arch (or "window".

They then become the first two bluebirds in the next round.

For more information on Blue Bird Blue Bird, visit Wikipedia.

This song has been printed from the website.

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  2. Blue Bird Blue Bird

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