Buttons and Bows

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Buttons and Bows

East is East and West is West
And the wrong one I have chose;
Let's go where I'll keep on wearin'
Those frills and flowers and buttons and bows
And rings and things and buttons and bows!

Don't bury me on the lone prairie;
Take me where the cement grows.
Let's move down to some big town
Where they love a gal by the cut of her clothes
And I'll stand out in buttons and bows!

I'll love you in buckskin
Or skirts that I've homespun,
But I'll love you longer, stronger
Where yer friends don't tote a gun!

My bones denounce the buckboard bounce
And the cactus hurts my toes.
Let's vamoose to where gals keep wearin'
Those silks and satins and linen that shows
And I'm all yours in buttons and bows!

Give me Eastern trimmin'
Where women are women
In high silk hose and peek-a-boo clothes
And French perfume that rocks the room
And I'm all yours in buttons and bows!

This song has been printed from the BusSongs.com website.

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  2. Buttons and Bows



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