Clap Your Hands

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Song Video


Clap Your Hands

Clap your hands, clap your hands,
Listen to the music and clap Your hands.

Turn around, turn around,
Listen to the music and turn around.

Jump up high, jump up high,
Listen to the music and jump up high.

Wave your hand, wave your hand,
Listen to the music and wave your hand.

Information About Clap Your Hands

The "Clap Your Hands" song was first written to help children identify their different body parts while they are using them. This is one of the best ways that children are going to be able to learn something because of the more hands on experience that they are going to have. Plus, the children are also going to be learning how to follow instructions which is going to be a very important part of their life. The children will learn how to calm down after they have been playing so they are going to have better self-control because of this game.

The children are going to be exercising while they are singing this nursery rhyme, which is always a great thing for children. This is because they are going to be clapping their hands, patting their knees, and stomping their feet based on one version of the song. In the other version of the song, they are going to be clapping their hands, jumping up and down, and waving their hands to the music. No matter what version of the song that you are listening to at least you know that your child is going to be involved in the song.

Most people believe that this song was written based on the bible verse, Psalm 47:1. It states "O clap your hands, all ye people; shout unto God with the voice of triumph". So when your child is singing this song, they are also going to be learning about the Bible. This is always going to be a great thing for your children no matter what age they are. When the child is having fun learning about the Bible, then they are going to want to learn more and more about it everyday when it is fun for them.

This song has been printed from the website.

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  2. Clap Your Hands

BusSongs has the largest collection of children songs & Cartoons on the Internet - with lyrics, videos,cartoons and music for over 3,500 kids songs and nursery rhymes