Counting Apples

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Counting Apples

Five red apples
Hanging on a tree five fingers held up
The juiciest apples you ever did see!
The wind came past
And gave an angry frown shake head and look angry
And one little apple came tumbling down.
Four red apples, etc.

Alternative Lyrics & Related Songs

This version counts down from Five all the way to One

FIVE little apples so red and bright,
Were dancing about on a tree one night,
The wind came rustling through the town,
One little apple came tumbling down!

FOUR little apples so red and bright,
Were dancing about on a tree one night,
The wind came rustling through the town,
One little apple came tumbling down!

THREE little apples so red and bright,
Were dancing about on a tree one night,
The wind came rustling through the town,
One little apple came tumbling down!

TWO little apples so red and bright,
Were dancing about on a tree one night,
The wind came rustling through the town,
One little apple came tumbling down!

ONE little apple so red and bright,
Was dancing about on a tree one night,
The wind came rustling through the town,
One little apple came tumbling down!

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  2. Counting Apples

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