Dame Trot

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Dame Trot

Dame Trot and her cat
Sat down for to chat;
The Dame sat on this side,
And Puss sat on that.
Puss, says the Dame,
Can you catch a rat
Or a mouse in the dark?
Purr! says the cat.

Alternative Lyrics & Related Songs

This is the longest version we have found so far

Dame Trot and her cat
Led a peaceable life,
When they were not troubled
With other folks' strife.

When Dame had her dinner
Pussy would wait,
And was sure to receive
A nice piece from her plate.

Dame Trot and her cat sat down for a chat;
The Dame sat on this side, and puss sat on that.
"Puss," says the Dame,
"Can you catch a rat
Or a mouse in the dark?"
"Purr," says the cat.

This song has been printed from the BusSongs.com website.

  1. BusSongs
  2. Dame Trot



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