Different Strokes Theme Song

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Different Strokes Theme Song

The world don't move
to the beat of just one drum.
What might be right for you,
may not be right for some.

A man is born,
he's a man of means.
Then along comes two,
they got nothin' but their jeans.

But they got,
Diff'rent strokes.
It takes,
Diff'rent strokes.
It takes,
Diff'rent strokes to move the world.

Everybody's got a special kind of story.
Everbody finds a way to shine.
It don't matter that you got, not a lot.
So what?
They'll have theirs, you'll have yours,
And I'll have mine!
And together we'll be fine!

Cause it takes,
Diff'rent strokes to move the world,
yes it does.
It takes,
Diff'rent strokes to move the world!

This song has been printed from the BusSongs.com website.

  1. BusSongs
  2. Different Strokes Theme Song



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