Everything Beneath the Sea

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Everything Beneath the Sea

There was a cod. there was a hake. There was a lobster and a crab and a sea snake.
There was a squid and a whale and sliding on the rocks there was a sea snail.

Everything beneath the sea, gliding, sliding, swimming free.
Jellyfish and things that glow, swimming way down deep below.

There was a cod. there was a hake. There was a lobster and a crab and a sea snake.
There was a squid and a whale and sliding on the rocks there was a sea snail.

Life is in the waves that land, crashing on the rocks or sand.
Creatures moving everywhere. Would you like to join them there?

There is a cave oh so dark and hiding just inside there is a big shark.
He wants a meal, but never fear. he can't eat you if you don't go near.

Everything beneath the sea, gliding, sliding, swimming free.
Jellyfish and things that glow, swimming way down deep below.

This song has been printed from the BusSongs.com website.

  1. BusSongs
  2. Everything Beneath the Sea



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