Everything Has A Shape

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Everything Has A Shape

Everything has a shape,
Pencils, pretzels and plates.
Sneakers and skates and Superman's cape,
Rivers and lakes and tiny snow flakes,
Everything has a shape, everything has a shape.

One can you show me a wide shape.
Two can you show me a thin shape.
Three can you show me a short shape.
Four can you show me a long shape.

Five can you show me a round shape.
Six can you show me a flat shape.
Seven can you show me a twisted shape.

Eight can you show me a stretching shape.
Nine can you show me a strong shape.
Ten can you show me a soft shape.
Eleven can you show me a balanced shape.
Twelve can you show me a leaning shape.

Information About Everything Has A Shape

"Words and Music by Hap Palmer" © Hap-Pal Music Happalmer.com.

This song has been printed from the BusSongs.com website.

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  2. Everything Has A Shape



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