Ezekiel's Boneyard Circuit

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Ezekiel's Boneyard Circuit

It was down in boneyard circuit
There was no way to sherk it,
A Preacher named Eziekel was sent.

he landed at the station
and saw the situation
a valley of dry bones was his audience.

by way of a suggestion
the Lord asked him a question
can these dry bones be raised up from the dead?

The spirit was beseaching
the preacher went to preaching
and from the pulpit this is what he said.

Oh you old dry bones,
hear the words of the Lord
Rise upon your feet
his goodness to repeat
lay aside your dry profession
get a holy Ghost possession
you have been bleaching in the desert long enough!

This song has been printed from the BusSongs.com website.

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  2. Ezekiel's Boneyard Circuit



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