Full House

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Full House

Whatever happened to predictability.
The milkman, the paperboy,evening tv?
How did I get delivered here?
Somebody tell me please!

This old world's confusing me.
Clouds as mean as you've ever seen
Ain't a bird who knows your tune.
Then a little voice inside you Whispers,
"Don't sell your dreams". so soon.

Everywhere you look,
Everywhere you look(there's a heart)
A hand to hold on to.
Everywhere you look
everywhere you look(there's a face of)
Somebody who needs you.

Everywhere you look.
When you're lost out there and you're all alone.
A knight is waiting to carry you home.

Everywhere you look.

This song has been printed from the BusSongs.com website.

  1. BusSongs
  2. Full House



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