Honk Honk

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Honk Honk

Coca-cola came to town Diet Pepsi shot him down
Doctor Peper picked him up
Now they all drink 7-Up.

Honk honk round and round
Crash beep beep
Honk honk round oand round
Crash beep beep.

Super man flies through the air
In his bright red under where
Looking dawn his lowist lane
Is it a bird or is it a plane.

Honk honk round and round
Crash beep beep
Honk honk round and round
Crash beep beep.

Harry Potter on his broom
Flew right in the postions room
Tried to make gold out of led
Turned him self into a frog instead.

Honk honk round and round
Crash beep beep
Honk honk round and round
Crash beep beep.

This song has been printed from the BusSongs.com website.

  1. BusSongs
  2. Honk Honk



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