Hunt The Slipper

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Hunt The Slipper

All the players but one - are called cobblers,
and sit on the floor in a circle a few inches apart.
Then the customer comes and says:
"Cobbler, cobbler; mend my shoe.
Get it done by half-past two".
She hands one of the cobblers an old slipper, and turns away.

When she has counted up to ten she comes back,
but is told the slipper is not ready.
"I must have it,' says the customer.
"Then you must find it,' all the cobblers reply.

At that the search begins.
Each cobbler passes the slipper to their neighbour
hiding it from sight as much as possible;
but should the seeker spy it and call out the name
of the cobbler who has got it.
That cobbler must take her place, and brings it to be mended again.

The slipper must not stop in one place, but must keep passing round the circle, one way or the other.

This song has been printed from the website.

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  2. Hunt The Slipper

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