I Don't Want To Go To Boy Scout Camp

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I Don't Want To Go To Boy Scout Camp

I dont want to go to boy scout camp,
Gee mom I'd like to go,
But they wont let me so,
Gee mom i wanna go home.

The nurses they have there they say are
mighty fine,
But when you break a finger they break
the other nine, ohh. .


The cool-aid they have there they say
is mighty fine,
I't good for cuts and brusies but
tastes like turpintin, ohh. .


The lunches they have there they say
are mighty fine,
But if you eat an orange you have to
eat the rhine, ohh. .

This song has been printed from the BusSongs.com website.

  1. BusSongs
  2. I Don't Want To Go To Boy Scout Camp



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