I'm an Old Cowhand

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I'm an Old Cowhand

I'm an old cowhand from the Rio Grande
But my legs ain't bowed and my cheeks ain't tanned
I'm a cowboy who never saw a cow
Never roped a steer 'cause I don't know how
And I sure ain't fixin' to start in now
Yippee-yi-o-ki-yay, yippee-yi-o-ki-yay

I'm an old cowhand from the Rio Grande
And I learned to ride 'fore I learned to stand
I'm a ridin' fool who is up to date
I know every trail in the Lone Star State
'Cause I ride the range in my old V8
Yippee-yi-o-ki-yay, yippee-yi-o-ki-yay

I'm an old cowhand from the Rio Grande
And I came to town just to hear the band
I know all the songs that the cowboys know
'Bout the big corral where the doggies go
'Cause I learned them all on the radio
Yippee-yi-o-ki-yay, yippee-yi-o-ki-yay

I'm an old cowhand from the Rio Grande
Where the west is wild 'round the borderland
Where the buffalo roam around the zoo
And the Injuns run up a rug or two
And the old Bar X is just a barbecue
Yippee-yi-o-ki-yay, yippee-yi-o-ki-yay

This song has been printed from the BusSongs.com website.

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  2. I'm an Old Cowhand



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