I'm So Carsick

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I'm So Carsick

I'm in my dad's Toyota
And we're now in hour three
I'm gonna visit Grandma
Though I wish she'd drive to me.

We had some lunch
A while ago
A tiny pizza pie
I need a soda or some juice
'Cause boy, my throat is dry!

I'm so carsick
Between you and me
We've been driving for so long that
I've been growing a goatee!

Some take the train
Some take the train
And others get to fly
We're in this car, in the slow lane
I think I'm gonna cry!

I'm so carsick
Gotta go wee-wee
Hey Dad,stop this Toyota
And next time, go without me!

Information About I'm So Carsick

The song should be sung to the tune of Oh Susanna.

This song has been printed from the BusSongs.com website.

  1. BusSongs
  2. I'm So Carsick



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