Just One Person

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Just One Person

If just one person believes in you,
Deep enough, and strong enough, believes in you. .
Hard enough, and long enough,
It stands to reason, that someone else will think
"If he can do it, I can do it".

Making it: two whole people, who believe in you
Deep enough, and strong enough,
Believe in you.
Hard enough and long enough
There's bound to be some other person who
Believes in making it a threesome,
Making it three. ..
People you can say: believe in me. ..

And if three whole people,
Why not four?
And if four whole people,
Why not--more, and
more, and
more. .

And when all those people,
Believe in you,
Deep enough, and strong enough,
Believe in you. .
Hard enough, and long enough.

It stands to reason that you yourself will
Start to see what everybody sees in
You. .

And maybe even you,
Can believe in you. . too!

This song has been printed from the BusSongs.com website.

  1. BusSongs
  2. Just One Person



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