Let's Make Some Pizza

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Song Video


Let's Make Some Pizza

Let's make some pizza
(Don't be shy)
We're making pizza
(Come and try!).

Let's make some pizza
(For me and you)
We're making pizza
(And Mom helps too!).

Roll out some dough
(go go go)
Spread out the sauce
(of course!)
And put on the cheese
(yes please)
Then wack on some ham
(yeah man!).

Let's make some pizza
(Don't be shy)
We're making pizza
(pizza pie!).

Mum turn on the oven
(watch it cook)
I think the pizza's ready
(let's take a look).

We've made some pizza
(Try a slice)
We've made some pizza
(mmm it's nice!).

Eating pizza - so much fun
Eating pizza - yum yum yum.

This song has been printed from the BusSongs.com website.

  1. BusSongs
  2. Let's Make Some Pizza



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