Lightly Row

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Song Video


Lightly Row

Lightly row, lightly row,
O'er the glassy waves we go!
Smoothly glide, smoothly glide,
On the silent tide.

Let the winds and waters be
Mingled with our childish glee.
Sing and float, sing and float
In our little boat!

Far away, far away,
Echo in the rock at play;
Calleth not, calleth not,
To this lonely spot.

Only with the seabirds' note
Shall our happy music float.
Lightly row, lightly row,
In our little boat!

Information About Lightly Row

This song was an American folk song dating back to the 1800's. It was also found in some Mother Goose books for young children.

This song was also translated by German folk singers and was also sang to the tunes of "Little bird, have you heard", and "Warm Kitty".

The Afrikaans also had a version that they translated for kindergarten aged children to teach them about courage and love.

This song has been translated by quite a few groups, from German to Hebrew, it is quite a popular children's song.

This song can be used in the classroom to teach children about the sea and boats. It can be taught as a silly song or even a serious song. It is sang to help children connect with each other and is a great group building song.

This song has been printed from the website.

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  2. Lightly Row

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