Mexican Counting Song

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Mexican Counting Song

Un elefante se columpiaba,
sobre la tela de una araa
Como veia que resistia,
fua a llamar a otro elefante.

Dos elefantes se columpiaban,
sobre la leta de una araa,
como veian que restistia,
fueron a llamar a otro elefante.
Tres elefantesse columpiaban,
sobre la leta de una araa,
como veian que restistia,
fueron a llamar a otro elefante.

Cuatro elefantes. .

Information About Mexican Counting Song

The translation to this song is "One elephant stood on the web of a spider, She felt it was strong, it couldn't be tighter, Along came a friend, she called her to invite her, two elephants stood on the web of a spider".

The counting can go as high as the teachers or parents want to. This can help children learn many subjects such as counting, addition, subtraction, animals, and Spanish. This is a silly way to teach a foreign language.

Children can learn about elephants and spiders in this song and it could turn into a complete lesson about each and their relatives.

The class can be divided into groups of two to six to show counting and addition and subtraction in this song. It will help children to also realize the nonsense in this song and can help them to remember Spanish with visual aids.

Alternative Lyrics & Related Songs

Sing this song in English here

One elephant is swinging on a spider web,
Seeing that the web could hold him,
He went and got another elephant.

Two elephants are swinging on a spider web,
Seeing that the web could hold them,
they went and got another elephant.

This song has been printed from the website.

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  2. Mexican Counting Song

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