Mousie Brown

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Mousie Brown

He climbed up the candlestick,
The little Mousie Brown -
To steal and eat the tallow,
But he couldn't get down!

He called for his grandma,
But his grandma was in town;
So he made himself into a ball,
And rolled himself down!
KerPlunk! KerPlunk!

Information About Mousie Brown

The origin of the Mousie Brown rhyme can be traced to China. The author of The Chinese boy and girl, named Isaac Taylor Headland, says that he got interested in Chinese rhymes when he heard a nurse teach the rhyme to Henry Fenn.

Though not much is known about Mousie Brown's origin, there are several versions of the rhyme. The original version goes "Up the candlestick he ran, Little Mousie Brown, To go and eat the tallow,' In a different version it goes like this "Up the tall white candlestick, Crept little Mousie Brown, Right to the top".

In some versions of the rhyme, there is use of definitive sounds e. g. "And rolled himself down! KerPlunk! KerPlunk!'.

Alternative Lyrics & Related Songs

A different version to enjoy

Up the tall white candlestick climbed little mousie brown
Right to the top but he couldn’t get down
So he called to his grandma, grandma, grandma
But grandma was in town
So he curled himself into a ball
And rolled himself back down

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