Old Andy Kay Keeter Snapoose

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Old Andy Kay Keeter Snapoose

This man kept wishin that the devil would come
and take his wife and oldest son
Old Andy Kay Keeter Snapoose.

Finally one day the devil he came to take his wife and oldest son.
Old Andy Kay Keeter Snappose.

He put her down to take a rest,
She throwed up her arms and hugged him the best.
Old Andy Kay Keeter Snapoose.

He took her to the gates of hell she bid her friends and all farewell.
Old Andy Kay Keeter Snapoose.

One little devil came rattling a chain,
She picked up a club and beat out his brains.
Old Andy Kay Keeter Snapoose.

One little devil peeked over the wall
And said take her back pappy she'll murder us all.
Old Andy Kay Keeter Snapoose.

This song has been printed from the BusSongs.com website.

  1. BusSongs
  2. Old Andy Kay Keeter Snapoose



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