One Small World

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One Small World

Sam lives in New York.
He works on the banks of the Hudson River.

Jean Paul lives in Paris
in a flat near the Eiffel Tower.

Yem lives in Cambodia in the capital city,
Phnom Penh.

Sarah lives in London.
She likes listening to the chimes of Big Ben.

So many cities in one small world.
People live in South America, in Bogota.
People live in Australia, Canberra.
In Europe, Asia and Africa.
Rome, Beijing, and Nairobi.
Paris, Calcutta, and Tripoli.

Natasha lives in Moscow.
She walks past the Kremlin in the winter snow.

Haji lives in Cairo -
the home of the Sphinx, the land of the Pharaohs.

So many cities in one small world.
People live in South America, in Bogota.
People live in Australia, Canberra.
In Europe, Asia and Africa.
Rome, Beijing, and Nairobi.
Paris, Calcutta, and Tripoli.

This song has been printed from the website.

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  2. One Small World

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