One Stormy Night

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One Stormy Night

TWO little kittens, one stormy night,
Began to quarrel and then to fight.
One had a mouse and the other had none,
And that's the way the quarrel begun.

"I'll have that mouse!' said the biggest cat.
"You'll have that mouse? We'll see about that!"
"I will have that mouse!' said the eldest son.
"You shall not the mouse,' said the little one.

I told you before 'twas a stormy night
When these two little kittens began to fight.
The old woman seized her sweeping broom,
And swept the two kittens right out of the room.

The ground was covered with frost and snow,
And the two little kittens had nowhere to go;
For they found it was better, that stormy night,
To lie down and sleep than to quarrel and fight.

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  2. One Stormy Night

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