Over The Hills and Far Away

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Over The Hills and Far Away

Tom, he was a piper's son
He learned to play when he was young
But all the tune that he could play
Was “Over the hills and far away”
Over the hills and a great way off
The wind shall blow my top-knot off

Tom with his pipe made such a noise
That he pleased both the girls and boys
And they all stopped to hear him play
“Over the hills and far away”
Over the hills and a great way off
The wind will blow my top-knot off

Tom played his pipe with such good will
That those who heard him could ne'er keep still
As soon as he played they began to dance
Even pigs on the hind legs began to prance
Over the hills and a great way off
The wind will blow my top-knot off

Dolly was milking her cow one day
Tom took out his pipe and began to play
So Dolly and the cow danced the “Cheshire Round”
Till the pail spilled on the ground
Over the hlils and a great way off
The wind will blow my top-knot off

This song has been printed from the BusSongs.com website.

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  2. Over The Hills and Far Away



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