Poop Goes The Weasel

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Poop Goes The Weasel

All around the toilet bowl
Big Monkey chased the Weasel
But Weasel has the diapers on
Poop goes the Weasel!
Big Monkey takes the diapers off
Wipes the Weasel's bottom
Puts clean diapers on and then!
Poop goes the Weasel!
Poop goes down the toilet bowl
Big Monkey tells the Weasel
So Weasel takes the diapers off
Weasel climbs up on the hole,
But Weasel doesn't have to go,
Well, maybe Weasel has to go,
Then Weasel gets the feeling
And Weasel knows it's time to go!
Poop goes the Weasel!
In the water down the hole
That is where the poop goes
Weasel knows the feeling now!
Poop goes the Weasel!
Flush the toilet, down the bowl
Poop goes the Weasel!

Information About Poop Goes The Weasel

Written by Peter Alsop, © 2002, Moose School Music (BMI).

This song is a fun parody to Pop Goes the Weasel.

This song has been printed from the BusSongs.com website.

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  2. Poop Goes The Weasel



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