Pumpkin Patch

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Pumpkin Patch

Pumpkin patch, pumpkin patch,
Headin' out to the pumpkin patch
Pumpkin patch, pumpkin patch
Headin' out to the pumpkin patch.

Pumpkins are pretty sneaky, they like to hide in the fields
Under a leaf, under a bush, they keep perfectly still
It's a good thing that they're orange, or they'd be hard to see
Gonna catch me one of them pumpkins, a special one for me.

Pumpkin patch, pumpkin patch,
Headin' out to the pumpkin patch
Pumpkin patch, pumpkin patch
Headin' out to the pumpkin patch.

Pumpkins aren't very scary, unless you give them a face
A smile or a frown, eyes up or down, teeth all over the place
Gonna carve me one of them pumpkins, put a candle inside to burn
Then instead of a pumpkin, it'll be a jack o'lantern.

Hey hey, I'm goin' today, hay ride hang on. .
Hey hey, what can I say,
Gotta catch 'em before they're gone.

Pumpkin patch, pumpkin patch,
Headin' out to the pumpkin patch
Pumpkin patch, pumpkin patch
Headin' out to the pumpkin patch.

So if you happen to see a pumpkin,
When you're out on hallowe'en night
Don't stop and stare, you better beware
He'll give you an awful fright.
Just keep on trick or treating, don't even say hello
He might jump up, and follow you home,
You just never know!

Pumpkin patch, pumpkin patch,
Headin' out to the pumpkin patch
Pumpkin patch, pumpkin patch
Headin' out to the pumpkin patch.

This song has been printed from the BusSongs.com website.

  1. BusSongs
  2. Pumpkin Patch



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