Summ, Summ, Summ

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Summ, Summ, Summ

Bzzz, bzzz, buzz,
Little bee buzz around!
Oh, we don't do anything to hurt you,
Just fly over forest and heath!
Bzzz, bzzz, buzz,
Little bee buzz around!

Bzzz, bzzz, buzz,
Little bee buzz around!
Search in the flowers, search in the buds,
For you a drop, for you a crumb!
Bzzz, bzzz, buzz,
Little bee buzz around!

Bzzz, bzzz, buzz,
Little bee buzz around!
Return home with your treasure,
Build a honeycomb for us!
Bzzz, bzzz, buzz,
Little bee buzz around!

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This is the German version with the English words to help with translation

Summ, summ, summ, Bzzz, bzzz, buzz, Bienchen, summ herum! Little bee buzz around! Ei, wir tun dir nichts zuleide, Oh, we don't do anything to hurt you, Flieg nur über Wald und Heide! Just fly over forest and heath! Summ, summ, summ, Bzzz, bzzz, buzz, Bienchen, summ herum! Little bee buzz around! Summ, summ, summ, Bzzz, bzzz, buzz, Bienchen, summ herum! Little bee buzz around! Such in Blumen, such in Blümchen, Search in the flowers, search in the buds, Dir ein Tröpfchen, dir ein Krümchen! For you a drop, for you a crumb! Summ, summ, summ, Bzzz, bzzz, buzz, Bienchen, summ herum! Little bee buzz around! Summ, summ, summ, Bzzz, bzzz, buzz, Bienchen, summ herum! Little bee buzz around! Kehre heim mit reicher Habe, Return home with your treasure, Bau uns manche volle Wabe! Build a honeycomb for us! Summ, summ, summ, Bzzz, bzzz, buzz, Bienchen, summ herum! Little bee buzz around!

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  2. Summ, Summ, Summ

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