That's so Raven

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That's so Raven

If you can gize into the future (future)
You might think live would be a breeze (Life is a breeze)
Seeing troble from a distance (yeah) (go rae)
But it's not that easy (oh no).

I try to save the situation
Then I end up misbehaving.

Hey, now
What ya say, now
'bout to put it down
Yeah you want to ride with the Rae now
And the Future looks great, now
And everthing's gonna change, now
Let's Rock.

Here we go.

That's So Raven,
It's the future I can see
That's So Raven,
It's so mysterious to me.

That's So Raven,
It's the future I can see
That's So Raven,
It's so mysterious to me

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  2. That's so Raven

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