The Bullfrog Song

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The Bullfrog Song

The bullfrog sang the strangest song, he sang it night and day.
Ker-runk, ker-runk, ker-runk, ker-runk, ker-runk, was all it seemed to say.
A duck who liked to sing thought he would give the song a try:
Ker-runk, quack, quack, ker-runk, quack, quack they sang as I walked by.
The spotted cow had never heard a more delightful song.
Right then and there the spotted cow began to sing along.
The frog, the duck, the spotted cow sang out so loud and clear:
Ker-runk, quack, quack, ker-runk, moo, moo was all that I could hear.

The speckled hen, a mother hen, whose work was never done,
began to sing for she knew when you sing your work is fun.
The frog, the duck, the cow, the hen, all sang the happy song:
Ker-runk, quack, quack, moo, moo, cluck, cluck, they sang the whole day long.

This song has been printed from the website.

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  2. The Bullfrog Song

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