The Day

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The Day

When I was one, I sucked my thumb, the day I went to sea. .

I jumped aboard a sailing ship and the captain said to me,
"We're goin' this way, that way, forward, backward, over the Irish sea.
With a bottle of Coke, and that's no joke, and that's the life for me", said he.

When I was two, I buckled my shoe, the day I went to sea. .
When I was three, I scraped my knee, the day I went to sea. .
When I was four, I slammed the door, the day I went to sea. .
When I was five, I danced a jive, the day I went to sea. .
When I was six, I picked up sticks, the day I went to sea. .
When I was seven, I counted to eleven, the day I went to sea. .
When I was eight, I was really late, the day I went to sea. .
When I was nine I got in line, the day I went to sea. .


When I was ten, I did it again, the day I went to sea. .


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  2. The Day

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