The Kitty Cats Party

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The Kitty Cats Party

At the kitty cats' party, all the kitties will be there!
They'll be dressed up in their sunday best with flowers in their hair!
Wearing red and yellow ribbons and a tiny tinker bell!
There'll be kitties from the city and the country there as well!

Come on, little-little-little kitty cat!
Grab yourself a partner, and let's dance!
Come on, little-little-little kitty cat!
Grab yourself a partner, and let's dance!

When it is time to eat, meow! Meow!
Cans of salmon piled up to the sky!
Each one has his little bowl of milk,
For desert there's catnip pie!

With their little bellies full, and a smile upon their face,
They'll curl up in a corner by a cozy fireplace,
Just a-purring and a-purring until there is not a peep,
And before you know it all the kitty cats are fast asleep!

Come on, little-little-little kitty cat!
Grab yourself a partner, and let's dance!
Come on, little-little-little kitty cat!

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  2. The Kitty Cats Party

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