The Scary Skeleton

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The Scary Skeleton

I"m a scary skeleton and I look just like you.
I sleep and walk. I laugh and talk and move my body too.

My head is on my shoulder.
My necks between the two.
I've got two eyes, a mouth, a nose and two ears just like you.

I'm a skeleton. I am your friend, you see.
I live inside you, so don't scared of me.
I've got a bony body as everybody knows.
Two bony legs, two bony feet and ten small bony toes.

I've got two big bony knees to help me sit or stand.
Five bony little fingers are on each big bony hand.

I'm a skeleton. I am your friend, you see.
I live inside you, so don't scared of me. (2x)

This song has been printed from the website.

  1. BusSongs
  2. The Scary Skeleton

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