The Soup Song

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The Soup Song

Oh I had some tea and soup called pea.
I was eating chicken noodle all day.
I found a big bone and was eating minestrone.
I was eating chicken noodle all day.
I felt good, I felt good, I felt real good today.
I had a big banana and I went to Soup Havana
I was eating chicken noodle all day.

I had tomato soup and baked potato soup.
I was eating chicken noodle all day.
I had a soup tornado and then a soup Alfredo.
I was eating chicken noodle all day.
I felt good, I felt good, I felt real good today.
I had a big banana and I went to soup Havana.
I was eating chicken noodle all day.

I don't want a card but some soup with Swiss Chard.
I want a Lamborgini and a soup with tortellini.
I was eating chicken noodle all day.
I felt good, I felt good, I felt real good today.
I had a big banana and I went to soup Havana.
I was eating chicken noodle all day!!
I was eating chicken noodle all the day! Hey!

Information About The Soup Song

This song is sung to the tune of "Polly Wolly Doodle."

This song has been printed from the website.

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  2. The Soup Song

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