The Stepsister's Lament

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Song Video


The Stepsister's Lament

Why would a fellow want a girl like her?
A frail and fluffy beauty?
Why can't a fellow ever once prefer
a solid girl like me?!

She's a frothy little bubble
with a flimsy kind of charm
And with very little trouble
I could break her little arm!

Oh why would a fellow want a girl like her?
So obviously unusual?
Why can't a fellow ever once prefer
a usual girl like me?!

Her cheeks are a pretty shade of pink,
but not any pinker than a rose's.
Her skin may be delicate and soft
but not any softer than a doe's is.

Her neck is no whiter than a swan's
She's only as dainty as a daisy
She's only as graceful as a bird. .
So why is the fellow going crazy?

Oh why would a fellow want a girl like her,
A girl who's merely lovely?
Why can't a fellow ever once prefer
a girl who's merely me?!

She's a frothy little bubble
with a frilly sort of air
and with very little trouble
I could pull out all her hair! Ha ha ha ha!

Why would a fellow want a girl like her,
a girl who's merely lovely?
Why can't a fellow ever once prefer
a girl who's merely me?

What's the matter with the man?
What's the matter with the man?
What's the matter with the man?!

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  2. The Stepsister's Lament

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