The Vowel Song


The Vowel Song

The vowels of the alphabet
I know them all by name, oh!
I know them all by name, oh!

The vowels of the alphabet
I know them all by name, oh!
I know them all by name, oh!

The vowels of the alphabet
I know them all by name, oh!
I know them all by name, oh!

The vowels of the alphabet
I know them all by name, oh!
I know them all by name, oh!

The vowels of the alphabet
I know them all by name, oh!
I know them all by name, oh!

The vowels of the alphabet
I know them all by name, oh!

The vowels of the alphabet
I know their short sounds too, oh.
a-e-i-o-u (Sing short vowel sound now)
I know their short sounds too, oh.