There was a Princess long-ago

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There was a Princess long-ago

There was a Princess long-ago
Long-ago, long-ago
There was a Princess long-ago
Long, long-a-go!

And she lived in a big high tower
A big high tower, a big high tower
And she lived in a big high tower
Long, long-a-go!

The naughty fairy waved her wand
Waved her wand, waved her wand
The naughty fairy waved her wand
Long, long-a-go!

The Princess slept for a hundred years
A hundred years, a hundred years
The Princess slept for a hundred years
Long, long-a-go!

A great big forest grew around
Grew around, grew around
A great big forest grew around
Long, long-a-go!

A handsome Prince came riding by
Riding by, riding by
A handsome Prince came riding by
Long, long-a-go!

He took his sword and cut it down
Cut it down, cut it down
He took his sword and cut it down
Long, long-a-go!

He kissed her hand to wake her up
Wake her up, wake her up
He kissed her hand to wake her up
Long, long-a-go!

So everybody's happy now
Happy now, happy now
So everybody's happy now
Ha-ppy now!

And the Prince and Princess lived happily ever after.

This song has been printed from the website.

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  2. There was a Princess long-ago

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