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Wherever we go, whatever we do,
We're gonna go through it together!
We may not go far, but sure as a star,
Wherever we are, it's together!

Wherever I go I know he goes.
Wherever I go I know she goes.
No fits, no fights, no feuds
And no egos... amigos, together!

Through thick and through thin,
All out or all in,
And whether it's win, place or show...
With you for me and me for you,
We'll muddle through whatever we do,
Together, wherever we go!

Wherever we go, whatever we do,
We're gonna go through it together!
Wherever we sleep, if prices are steep,
We'll always sleep cheaper together!

Whatever the boat I row, you row.
Whatever the row I hoe, you hoe.
And any I.O.U. I owe you owe?
Who, me owe? No, you owe!

Through thick and through thin,
All out or all in,
And whether it's win, place or show...
With you for me and me for you,
We'll muddle through whatever we do,
Together, wherever we go!

This song has been printed from the website.

  1. BusSongs
  2. Together!

BusSongs has the largest collection of children songs & Cartoons on the Internet - with lyrics, videos,cartoons and music for over 3,500 kids songs and nursery rhymes