Under the Stars

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Under the Stars

Under the stars, one holy night,
A little Babe was born;
Over his head a star shone bright,
And glistened til the morn.
And wise men came from far away,
And shepherds wandered where He lay,
Upon His lowly bed of hay,
Under the stars one night.

Under the stars, one blessed night,
The Christ-Child came to earth,
And through the darkness broke the light
Of morning at his birth.
And sweet hosannas filled the air,
And guardian angels watched him where
The Virgin Mother knelt in prayer,
Under the stars one night.

Under the stars, this happy night,
We wait for Him once more,
And seem to see the wondrous sight
The shepherds saw of yore.
O, Baby born in Bethlehem,
Come to us as you came to them,
And crown us with love's diadem,
Under the stars tonight.

This song has been printed from the BusSongs.com website.

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  2. Under the Stars



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