Vegetable Stew


Vegetable Stew

Actions: Scrape with the tapsticks in towards the middle of the group (as if in a big pot).

“What vegetables shall we have in our stew today?”

Maybe some yummy carrots!!

Chip, chop, chippity chop
Chop off the bottom
And chop off the top
Anything left we will put in the pot
Chip, chop, chippity chop

Scrape it all into our big pot and you're ready for the next vegetable.

“What shall we add next?” –
Potatoes, parsnips, swede, broccoli etc

Repeat verse each time

Chip, chop, chippity chop
Chop off the bottom
And chop off the top
Anything left we will put in the pot
Chip, chop, chippity chop

When you've finished, pretend to eat up the yummy stew