When You Wish Upon A Star

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When You Wish Upon A Star

When you wish upon a star,
Makes no difference who you are;
Anything your heart desires will come to you.
If your heart is in your dreams,
No request is too extreme;
When you wish upon a star as dreamers do.
Fate is kind, she brings to those who love
The sweet fulfillment of their secret longing.
Like a bolt out of the blue,
Fate steps in and sees you through;
When you wish upon a star,
Your dreams come true.

Information About When You Wish Upon A Star

This popular English song was written by Leigh Harline and Ned Washington to be used by Walt Disney in their movie Pinocchio released in 1940. In the movie the song is sung by Jiminy Cricket.

When You Wish Upon A Star won the Academy Award for Best Original Song that year. The song is ranked 7th in the list of 100 Greatest Songs in Film History by the American Film Institute.

In Scandinavia this song is treated as a Christmas song and with the star representing the Star of Bethlehem.

For any further information about the song "When You Wish Upon A Star" you may find Wikipedia helpful.

This song has been printed from the BusSongs.com website.

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  2. When You Wish Upon A Star



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