Willie Wagtail

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Willie Wagtail

Willie Wagtail - Oh, so brave!
A tail waving birdie
Thought to fly around the world
And wave on his journey!

Willie Wagtail - Flew and flew
A fearless little birdie
He perched on the snout of a crocodile
And waved until one thirty!

Willie Wagtail - Flew and flew
A carefree little birdie
He perched on the neck of a lioness
And waved until two thirty!

Willie Wagtail - Flew and flew
A bold little birdie
He perched on the trunk of an elephant
And waved until three thirty!

Willie Wagtail - Flew and flew
A friendly little birdie
He perched on the head of a buffalo
And waved until four thirty!

Willie Wagtail - Flew and flew
A clever little birdie
He stood next to a porcupine
And waved until five thirty!

Willie Wagtail - Flew and flew
A homesick little birdie
He perched on a Wandering Albatross
And was home by six thirty!

Willie Wagtail - In his tree
A chirpy little birdie
He felt so gala, he sang to a koala
And waved until seven thirty!

Then, he went to sleep (Shhh. .).

This song has been printed from the BusSongs.com website.

  1. BusSongs
  2. Willie Wagtail



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