BusSongs.com wouldn't be possible without the kind help of many amazing people who've contributed in some way. These people have dedicated their minds, effort, and precious time to ensure that BusSongs.com would be all that we envisioned. Success is possible with teamwork, and without these folks our awesome site wouldn’t have been possible! We'd like to take a moment to recognize some of the superstars:
First, we would like to thank all the song writers who have created these wonderful children's songs that fill our lives with such joy. You're the reason why this site exists in the first place, and your timeless contribution keeps on giving and will never be forgotten.
Furthermore, special thanks goes out to all the visitors from across the world who've visited BusSongs over the years. Thank you to those who've written in to show their appreciation for all our hard work, or to provide us with lyrics and new songs. We love you guys!
Thanks to Jack Sleight, for redesigning the site and making it even more fun for its users. I think you'll agree that Jack has done an amazing job! I can't forget my friend Yannick for helping me with some other technical tasks as well.
BusSongs.com has on occassion saught the advice from SupremacySEO, a SEO professional, to help optimise the site and bring it to a bigger audience.
And lastly, a huge thanks to Tom Campbell. Tom first created BusSongs back in 2003 and spent countless hours constructing the site from the ground up, and filling it with all these incredible songs for you to enjoy. It's quickly become one of the best sites on the Internet for finding the lyrics to kid's songs. Thank you so much Tom!